Monday, 18 April 2011

The 'Social Network', or is it....

I must admit, I haven't grasped the new concept in social networking.

And I know, I have a blog, which may be considered part of this phenomenon, but I beg to differ. Here I add (for what it's worth), my commentary on the world. While all those new fan dangled personal phone & computer devices offer, is a form of solitude, whereby the users live in a world of their own, thinking they are part of a much wider community.

I once asked a user what they say on their little machines. And as far as I can work out, you keep in touch with people by logging day to day life activities, and this is reported to their 'followers'. I am not sure that posting a comment such as "At home, bored, watching TV" actually serves. Does anybody really care what you are doing......obviously somebody must, as they sprout how many 'friends' they have, wanting to know their every move.

Is this really some new form of dialogue, or is it just an electronic 'cult' ?

Recently, Cheryl G and I, were out socialising when it was noticed by Cheryl, that people were constantly checking their phones. I had to explain what that this form of OCD (obsessive compulsive disease) was all about. She (like I) can’t understand that even when socialising, these people must strategically place their phones, in front of themselves and wait for the tell tale 'flash' to say they have received a post, SMS, or something, from someone, somewhere. And if for some reason it hasn’t flashed for a couple of minutes, it must be checked to confirm that this is in fact the case !  

Most recently I observed a unusual site, when a gaggle of Gen Y’ers gathered, and immediately produced their devices from their pockets, to check if anything had happened (in somebody else’s life), in the last minute or so, since they last checked. During the next 10 minutes, as they poked and stroked their miniature keyboards, nothing was said amongst themselves, yet ironically, as I was to later find out, they were actually offering useless information to one and another, as they were all each others followers !

Has anybody heard of actually talking to one another?

Does the future lay 18 inches from our nose, as we look down at the world , via a miniature computer, and avoid any social interaction. Will we not have to speak ever again and breed a generation of mutes ?

The current ‘craze ‘ is developing a lack of interpersonal skills, and with it, the inability to look at someone in the eye, and communicate, the correct way.

Social networks, are simply creating anti social behaviour.

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